Nominate now

We are now closed for nominations for 2024. We will reopen in January 2025.

Please click on the link to make a nomination (see the purple box on the right). This will open up an online form for you to complete. If you cannot complete the form in one go please make sure you save it so that you can come back to it.

Please complete the form as fully as possible as the judges make their decisions based on the content of the forms only. There are examples of nominations on the 'Making a Nomination' page to help you in this.

The questions on the form and therefore the information you will need in order to complete the form includes:

  • Contact details for yourself, the nominee and two other people who can act as references.
  • A description of the nominee's volunteering activities, ensuring you identify how they meet at least one of the criteria.
  • The start and (if relevant) finish date of the activity.
  • Information on how the nominee's activities have positively contributed to the community/or other students and why you think they are worthy of the award.

It may be helpful to write your answers to the above questions in Word before you start completing the survey so that you can copy and paste your responses in.  The survey can time out if you have a page of it open for a long time without saving.