Contact us

The Volunteering and Awards Team are here to support you with all aspects of your volunteering jouney.

You can send us an email to arrange a phone call or an in-person meeting - we're happy to do what works best for you! 

The Volunteering and Awards Team

Kirsty HutchisonStudent Success, Volunteering and Awards Officer

Emma Richardson, Student Success, Volunteering and Awards Officer

Lottie Timmins, Student Success, Volunteering and Awards Coordinator

Amelia Hart, Student Success, Volunteering and Awards Coordinator

Angela Crolla, Student Success, Volunteering and Awards Coordinator

Catherine Barnes, Volunteering and Awards Administrator

Marium Malik, Volunteering and Awards Intern

Dina Ebrahim, Volunteering and Awards Intern


Follow UoM Volunteering on social media

Student-led volunteering

The Students Union also have a variety of student-led volunteering projects.
To find out more go to the Students' Union website