Lucy is a Director and the Oltenia Project Coordinator for The Life Foundation. In 2008 Lucy joined as a volunteer on projects in Romania and India, and returned to both projects in 2010. Lucy took on the role of Oltenia Project Coordinator in 2011 and became a Director of The Life Foundation in 2013.
The Oltenia Project involves volunteers from the UK working with children and adults in governmental care, all of whom have learning or physical disabilities. Lucy organises all aspects of the project including recruiting, training and supporting volunteers before, during and after their trip. In Oltenia The Life Foundation also run extra schooling for Roma children aged 8-13 and have recently set up a sensory room for children from the government homes to use as there are very limited resources for the children – Lucy travelled to Romania in the Christmas break to set this up.
In her role as a Director, Lucy is involved in developing the organisation including managing sub-committees and fundraising.
Tom has been volunteering with Chernobyl Children's Cancer Care Cardiff since he was in college. This small charity provides funding and volunteers to run a summer camp for disabled and terminally ill children. Tom spends 2 - 5 weeks of every summer undertaking childcare duties on the camp in Belarus, involving running and planning activity days, and providing personal care.
Tom has also been heavily involved with the planning and execution of multiple large fundraisers throughout the year in order for the charity to financially support the camp. Since starting University Tom has been appointed a Trustee for the 5C's, taking on more responsibility with the financial and governance decisions within the charity.
Tom has implemented a new training program for British volunteers. This has massively improved the selection and preparation of volunteers. Consequently, the Belarusian camp leaders have remarked on how the quality of volunteers has improved, and the difference that this has made to the overall running of the camp. . Tom also helps young volunteers from Britain, many of whom are under 18, develop a whole set of new skills and reach their full potential as childcare volunteers.
Carl responded to the rural decline of his local area in North Wales and the impact this was having on people’s health by setting up a Villagers’ Association in 1970 which sought to re-establish the viability of the village on a firm footing. As challenges to the area increased, Carl recognised the need for a more structured approach to maintaining momentum and in 1974 Antur Aelhaearn was born as an Industrial and Provident Society. This was the UK’s first Community Cooperative, each villager entitled to vote to determine their own future regarding community regeneration. Forty years on Antur Aelhaearn thrives, adding new activities to its portfolio.
This led to Antur Llyn, a social enterprise group which sought to identify the socio-economic needs of the whole peninsula and establish a strategic response to the maintenance of the area. The latest initiative in which Carl is involved is Ynni Aelhaearn - the cooperative’s efforts to promote green energy, initially through the development of a community turbine.
Carl was also involved in the development of Nant Gwrtheyrn, a unique residential centre running Welsh Language courses. He had the initial vision to turn an abandoned quarrying village into a centre to celebrate the Welsh language and helped drive this vision into a reality.